Little-Known Facts About Folate

July 15, 2011 at 8:41 pm Leave a comment

folate prenatal vitaminsIt is well-known by now that pregnant women benefit from folic acid, which is why many prenatal vitamins tend to include about 1 mg. of this supplement. Doctors often recommend even more for women who have had miscarriages before. However, what the body really needs is folate, which is the more natural alternative to folic acid. Before you select the best prenatal vitamin, consider a few new facts you might not know, as researchers have recently discovered some helpful information regarding folate.

Folate is found naturally in the body, but there are plenty of ways that people deplete their original levels. For example, oral contraceptives tend to reduce the levels of folate in the body, and many women take these for years. Drinking alcohol frequently, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and ingesting anti-convulsants can also all lead to low levels of folate in the body.

The result of low folate levels is pregnancy complications, including a higher chance of miscarriage. Some pregnancies in mothers with low folate levels are plagued by preterm labor or preeclampsia, both of which can be dangerous for the baby. Neural tube defects, including spina bifida, may also result from insufficient folate. For this reason, women are encouraged to take supplements of this nutrient for at least four months before conceiving. If the pregnancy was not planned, you can still reduce your chances of these medical problems by taking supplements during pregnancy.

It is not always as easy as taking a folic acid pill, or selecting a prenatal vitamin with folic acid. While of course this is better than nothing, it is not the most effective way to add folate to the body. Folic acid is the shelf-stable, synthetic version of folate. It is easy to put in a pill, but it is considered a foreign substance to the body, which means it needs to be metabolized before it can be properly absorbed. Therefore, you are encouraged to get folate from folate itself, not a synthetic version of it.

The good news is that now you can, as scientists have discovered L-methylfolate, which is the natural, active form of folate. It is recognized by the body so that it can be easily metabolized, allowing you to get maximum benefits fast. This substance can be found in some newer prenatal vitamins, though it will likely be included in the majority once its benefits are known by more manufacturers. Therefore, you are encouraged to try a prenatal vitamin that contains L-methylfolate instead of folic acid.

(Thanks flequi for the great belly shot)

Entry filed under: folate.

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